Product Lifecycle

Primary Packaging
We have successfully replaced virgin plastic tubes with PCR (Post-consumer-recycled) tubes, glass jars, glass bottles, paper labels and paper seals instead of plastic seals and PPE labels
Personal care means looking after one’s own needs, right?
We beg to differ. As a responsible team, Environmanly provides personal care products that work towards holistically safeguarding and benefitting both you and the environment. Our scientifically-backed products solve multiple problems, from your cluttered cabinet to preventing water waste.
Our planet is our only home, and like you, we take the responsibility of protecting it, seriously. At Environmanly, we pick post-consumer recycled tubes that are made of discarded plastic which are 100% recyclable post-use, thus creating an ecosystem of sustainable packaging.
As you read this, you can be confident of our assurance that everything surrounding your product is made with PCR (Post-consumer-recycled) elements. Shredded paper instead of bubble wrap, paper seals instead of plastic, and a lot more. All this, in addition to every product being 100% vegan, natural, toxin-free, and dermatologically tested.
You’re breaking the cycle of impersonal care, by partaking in our recycled (and scientific) interpretation of personal care. Continue doing your part, by returning your Environmanly tubes once 4 or more are empty. To do so, write to us at and we will collect them.
Thank you for being a responsible man and making a generational difference.
Team Environmanly.

Secondary Packaging
Our secondary packaging comprises 100% biodegradable corrugated boxes, shredded paper instead of bubble wrap and Kraft paper tape instead of plastic tape seals and have taken a step towards our sustainable future.